Thursday, February 23, 2012

Discovery of a (reluctant) Early Bird (DaLocalWife)

After a three day battle with the nastiest stomach bug KNOWN TO MANKIND, I settled nicely into bed at 10 pm (after indulging in a rather unsettling episode of Criminal Minds).  I'm not feeling great but I was pretty sure of myself and my ability to snore rhythmically (at least until 6 am, COME ON!!).

2 am...pokepokepoke.  A, my youngest, standing in front of my bed like a pile of misery, assuring me he had this bug as well.  After sitting in the bathroom for (felt like 5 hours) 1/2 an hour with him, I thought he was maybe looking for attention?  Wrong! (I will learn some day) I have been up since then with a pitifully sick A.  Having nothing better to do, I  retrieved old pictures off my dead computer and my discontinued Facebook site (I know, most people would have done that waaaaaaay before disabling a page, but oh well,...a$$-backwards, that's my motto).

But lookie what I found!!!!!

A learning to crochet in 2010

I had forgotten about this!  I love the look of concentration on his face, all confounded-like with the rebellious yarn.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone opened a little workshop where kids got to learn the "Lost Arts"?

Wonder who could get such a thing rolling.....

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