Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Reluctant Suburbanite (DaLocalWife) have you been?  Long time, eh?  I had to have surgery and the recovery was a little more involved than I originally gave it credit for and also?...I joked with my FB peeps that I was glad the uterus left when it did because I don't like threats of any kind and it was threatening my health, but did it really have to take my brain with it?  I pictured them walking, hand in hand, into the sunset not un-Far Side-like.  But I digress.

I had a complaint (or inquiry, if you insist on being polite) about my lack of bloggage.  Well, there ya go, I had no brain with which to blog!  But I was thinking today (a first in 9 weeks, I swear!) about how much I miss living in the country.  We moved to the burbs eight months ago and I'm still kind of jeebed-out by this place.  Everyone knows everything and all stuff that goes on.  I no longer smoke but if I were to sit on my make-shift porch and suck on a coffin nail?  They'd be talking about it at the playground, for sure!  I balk at the feeling of being under a microscope.

And what about this need to be dressed appropriately at all times!  It's not meeeeeeeee!  I admit to an inner drag queen that I can shut up with the occasional sparkly or vulgar colour combination but to always get dressed in suburban-mom-approved clothing?  I think not.  My Dad would shake his head in disgust if he saw me walking my kids to school in my pj's.  But hey!  For years I popped the kids down the driveway just so and I see no need to change a time-honoured (and let's face it, lazy) tradition. 

And my dogs.  See, nobody really likes them.  They are German Shepherds and they bring all things German Shepherd to the table.  They bark.  A lot.  They charge first, ask questions later.  They are sure all who approach are a possible threat to their people and give the hairy eyeball to all.  But they are pretty.  Drako is the finest in German engineering, physically. And such a dope.  For us.  In private.  I've given up trying to explain.  I feel for them, they aren't suburbanites either.

Also not sure that my neighbours approve of my musical choices, both in the car and in the house...with my windows open.  Did I mention I am partially deaf and kind of like my music enthusiastic (loud)?

So what, so move, you say?  Can't.  Did this for the kids and they are loving their friends and ability to roam and play and the park and...and...I love it enough to see them happy and so I adjust.

Well, sort of.  I only bend so far, you know?