Saturday, January 28, 2012

Because THEY said so (DaLocalWife)

I have a head full of cotton and my best friend, the kleenex box, mocks me with it's emptiness.  I am also unsure if we are adding to our merry band of insanity by one dog.  As I'm waiting to hear if we will invite Anna (who would then be the other blonde female...a MY house of men!!!), a white GSD cross, into our little wee house....and I'm honking into tissues and coughing in a most non-fem way...I thought to start writing a blog.  ME, the great resistor of technology (who married a social media whore, but that's another story) will blog.  About my insane life.  About my pets and most especially Fleazel the fat DSH cat, who has his own modest following.  I will likely innundate you with yarn.  Because I love the yarn.  I occasionally stick a hook in it and make something but's all about the yarn.  I suppose I could let you have some of the stuff I make, we'll see.

Oh, it just occurred to me I should mention my cohort.  Steve, also known as lemons, the chef, dalocalchef or in my house: oi! Yeah, you!, will be writing in blue, on his days, when I don't hog the blog (like that?) about cooking-like things, I would imagine.  Because that's what he does, cooking and  Ohohoh, he also walks the dog, Drako.  A beautiful GSD who looks regal, but is a monumental goof.  I'll tell you about him sometime.  We are scoring a girlfriend for him...see the start of the blog.

I have no idea what I'm doing but they (the sage group of THEY) said I should write one.  To show off my crochet.  To talk about Fleazel.  To go on and on...cuz that's what I do.  Like right now.  See?  *coughsnot*  Yep, it's a stellar time to invite you into my life.  And oi! Yeah you! (whom we will affectionately call chef from now on) made us do the Twitter.  WE'll see how that goes cuz we (the Twitter and I) DID NOT get along the last time I tried.  Digression.  That's me.

Kk.  We'll see how this puppy works out.  Also, if you have questions, I'll answer them.  I may not know what the hell I'm talking about, but I'll answer.  Do you like guinea pigs?  WE have those too.  I love opening the fridge just to hear them fweep.  It is quickly becoming a hobby.  For now, I'll go back to waiting for a YES YOU CAN TAKE MY DOG INTO YOUR LIFE AND MAKE HER SLIGHTLY WEIRD BUT THAT'S OK BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD BUT EVER SO WONDERFUL.  And laundry...I should do that too.  *sigh* not a fan of the laundry. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for what the chef writes.  I may be married to him but eh, this is an open forum.  He of course is TOTALLY responsible for any crap I cause.  It's the way it works in our life and we'll continue it into this little beauty, shall we?  Right then, toodles, maybe I'll have something to say next time. 

Or not.

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