I raise kids. In my opinion, that alone earns me a medal since none of them are felons and they all still love their Momma. I keep them clean and healthy, happy (weeeeell, mostly) and amused. I don't feed them. They'll thank me for that one day as the chef is much better qualified to do this (and my time is best spent NOT smashing kitchen appliances in frustration).
I raise pets. Since I am responsible for their numbers I find it only fair I do most of the work. Flea, a 14 year old beige tabby cat is the regent supreme. He has been with me since the first day of his life and I raised him by bottle. This resulted in a cat who thinks he is human. Most people agree with him. If they don't, he persuades them.
Drako is a GSD from a breeder in North Bay http://shepherdpups4sale.gotpetsonline.com/ , beautiful to behold, comical to watch once you know him. He has come a long way in a short time and is an integral part of this wacky family.
PJ and Chocolate, the two guinea pigs. I love guinea pigs, I think it's their lips. I also enjoy rustling bags and opening the fridge...the resulting cacophony of fweeps never fails to amuse me.
I keep the house and yard. Some say I'm a wee bit obsessed with order and cleanliness. They have been silenced and no one will find them. I'm a great gardener, ever wonder why the plants grow so well and I keep adding beds?
I am a warrior. Can't help it, must be the fact that my Grandma's maiden name was Krieger. (German for ...you guessed it) I declare war on incompetence, stupidity and ignorance. Chef has a small fortune saved in case he needs bail for my release.
Most importantly, I am a warrior in my son's stead. I fight Prader-Willi Syndrome every day of his life. T was diagnosed 20 months after his birth and his struggles are only outweighed by his successes. He is brave, persistent and my lil hero. Go T! Down with PWS!! If you don't know it, look it up. http://www.fpwr.ca/about-foundation-prader-willi-research-canada/ You'll come across it again. Kick it for me, will ya?
I crochet. LOTS. I have a bigger stash (of yarn) than anyone I know (outside of the yarn stores). I sometimes get paid to create specific projects, and that's my favourite part. It seems to make itself and gives me great satisfaction.
Often my own designs haunt me until I have to make them. I love the design part, frequently falter on the completion of said design. *sigh* In the next few days I will post some pictures of what I do with (or to?) yarn. People seem pleased when they buy stuff, or I give them stuff...or they can talk me out of stuff because I have been drinking red wine. The red wine part is a rare occurrence, I swear! No one around to contradict, cuz that's how I roll. And I have a wonderful garden.
Lastly, I help out with the care of my Oma (grandmother), who will turn 93 on Valentine's Day. My Oma is the epitome of who I want to be. She raised a bunch of us, had her hand in the development of several generations. Can always count on her. For wacky advice. Sayings. Predictions. Home remedies. Support. A wooden spoon on the heinie. Every day she slips away a little more. Mentally - that's the hardest. Physically - that I can help with. It's why our family moved only 10 mins away from my parents' house. I want to be her rock, like she was mine, for however long she needs me. I also like helping my parents. With the house. With the property and gardens. With their sanity. Sometimes, due to this, my sanity suffers.
So, that's kind of what I do.
I love you.