Horrible, nasty, mushy, smelly mutant children of the cabbage world.
Growing up, there was no food I feared more than the dreaded brussels sprouts. Dessert was always conditional in our house. Finish your dinner and dessert was your reward. If I came home from school and saw a cheesecake or bag of Oreos on the kitchen counter, I knew that my mom had pulled out the big guns. And that meant there was something nasty coming for dinner. And the king of nasty....was brussels sprouts.
Then, a few years ago I came across the technique of separating brussels sprouts into individual leaves before cooking. It was in a cookbook by Alfred Portale from his New York restaurant, Gotham Bar and Grill. All of a sudden, brussels sprouts were a revelation!! A quick blanch and chill and next thing you know, you have an amazing ingredient.
Tonight, it was time to try something new. A quick hash of fingerling potatoes, onions and celery made a great start. A couple of slices of left-over roast beef were diced up and set the stage for adding the final ingredient; those beautiful brussels sprout leaves!
Last but not least, a couple of over-easy eggs to finish the dish. It looks good, but believe me....it tasted so much better!!!
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