Thursday, February 23, 2012

Discovery of a (reluctant) Early Bird (DaLocalWife)

After a three day battle with the nastiest stomach bug KNOWN TO MANKIND, I settled nicely into bed at 10 pm (after indulging in a rather unsettling episode of Criminal Minds).  I'm not feeling great but I was pretty sure of myself and my ability to snore rhythmically (at least until 6 am, COME ON!!).

2 am...pokepokepoke.  A, my youngest, standing in front of my bed like a pile of misery, assuring me he had this bug as well.  After sitting in the bathroom for (felt like 5 hours) 1/2 an hour with him, I thought he was maybe looking for attention?  Wrong! (I will learn some day) I have been up since then with a pitifully sick A.  Having nothing better to do, I  retrieved old pictures off my dead computer and my discontinued Facebook site (I know, most people would have done that waaaaaaay before disabling a page, but oh well,...a$$-backwards, that's my motto).

But lookie what I found!!!!!

A learning to crochet in 2010

I had forgotten about this!  I love the look of concentration on his face, all confounded-like with the rebellious yarn.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone opened a little workshop where kids got to learn the "Lost Arts"?

Wonder who could get such a thing rolling.....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Crazy Crochet Lady (DaLocalWife)

Being married to the chef entitles me to lots of kitchen gadgets and doo-dahs.  Sometimes these outgrow their designated containers and a sane person would go to the store and BUY a bigger vessel to contain such chef-designated treasures...not me.



The chef is back to working more hours and before long we will pass each other with a kiss in the morning and he will nudge me to say hi when he comes home at night.  Tis the season for a Country Club-type executive chef.

My only worry is that, left to my own devices, with nothing but kids for company aaaallllllllllllll summer long?

By fall, the whole house should be covered in granny squares and ripple stripes.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dog Couture (DaLocalWife)

Did I ever mention my faible for dogs?  Or babies?  It is the most likely reason why I prefer to adorn them with my hookie work, rather then just lil ole you or me.


Ludwig Van Barksalot, stylin' in a blue wool fisherman's sweater

 beauteous Bella from Quebec, putting the D in diva.  Ooooh lala

 Bella, being a diva, needs two outfits.  This is an acrylic, utilizing the African flower.

 Rugged Rotu likes plain outdoor apparel in aubergine (DON'T call it purple!)

not even poor Fleazel is spared.  This is him, modeling a hood created for Nofuratu.  Check this dude out.  HERE:

As you can see, I am an equal species opportunity kind of gal.  Poor Flea.

"let me know when Hollywood calls.  Until then...don't bother me."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day in DaLocalHouse (DaLocalWife)

This is why I love my man.

Flowers and Chocolate for me

DaLocalChef style

Happy Hallmark Day, Peoples!

Monday, February 13, 2012

In which She Reminisces with Purpose (DaLocalWife)

I have always loved music. 

As a child, growing up in Germany, there was a band out of East Germany named Karat.  Emo music by today's standards, my generation found it poignant and lyrically inspiring.  Although I love all of their offerings, one song has gotten me through the tough bits.  It is the epitome of my attitude towards hardships and the beast I call Prader-Willi Syndrome ( ), which is the bane of my son T's existence.  

The song is called Gefaehrten des Sturmwinds

and I will translate as best I can.  Hopefully it's meaning will not be lost on you.

The Storm's Companions

Every day anew, the storm is born,
he flies around the world and knows no path.
Daily he seeks new company,
he knocks on my heart, looking for a door.

My hunger for freedom was lonely and untamed,
I loved that which coincidence brought.
I searched for my stars all by myself,
cursed the dreams which I shared with no one.

Even when the storm breaks apart your roof
and he bends you down to the ground,
Get back up and offer him no quarter
because he will carry you far if you fly with him.

Every day anew, lights and shadows exchange,
I follow my path like driftwood in a river.
And many a night I dream of the floods,
I go with the storm as he waits for me.

I have already met him a hundred time
and every new day I look into his face.

Even when the storm breaks apart your roof
and he bends you down to the ground
Get back up and offer him no quarter
because he will carry you far if you fly with him.

Even when the storm breaks apart your roof
Even if he once almost defeats you.
Get back up, offer him no quarter
because he will carry you far if you fly with him.

                                                          ~Karat, loosely translated by K. Wilson

So there it is, my crutch, my inspiration.  Simple, really, just a song.  But it's meaning is not lost on me, and even though I once drifted aimlessly, I now face each challenge with force and commitment. If you learn to roll with the punches, you go further.

So, if you are down and it seems like everyone and everything is against you...if it seems to hard to persevere...
take this advice:  If you meet your challenge head-on and even when you face defeat, give it all of the oomph you can muster?  It's done, you succeed.  If it is just for that day, it doesn't matter because each new day, with each new challenge, offers you the chance to fly with the storm rather than lie down and give up.

Why the hell am I writing this now? 

Because T turns ten this week and he is amazing.

Because I can do anything I put my mind to.

There is NOTHING I can't conquer.

You hear that?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Overseas love (DaLocalWife)

I might have mentioned before how much I love giving people what they want or need (when it comes to crocheting ... gutter, people). 

Here is another instance where I sent a one-of-a-kind cotton play blanket (depicting a farm, beach, ocean and sky scene with some removable play parts) to Germany and have gotten pictures back, showing it's use. 
ILOVELOVELOVETHISSTUFF, so keep it coming, people.

Incredibly cute baby (no bias here) on my blanket at three months

Incredibly cute baby on my blanket at 7 months

This is why I do this crochet thing.  Create and please, instant gratification upon completion.

I am in the middle of designing (as I crochet it - that's how I roll) the cutest little cardigan/beanie set in lavender.  German Shepherds willing, it should be done in two days, for me to TADAH all over this page.

I never did post my dog sweaters, did I?  Oh well, another day.